
The stories, perspectives, people and happenings that preserve, highlight and shape Black culture around the world.

Freedom Summer:An  Interview with Naeem Douglas, the Brookladelphian
Culture Bryan Mason Culture Bryan Mason

Freedom Summer:An Interview with Naeem Douglas, the Brookladelphian

The summer of 2020 marks an incredible moment in history, seeing the birth of one of the largest civil rights movements the world has ever known. After years of what seemed like an endless cycle of Black death and white apathy, something new has happened. Cries of support for Black lives have begun to come from places that were once deathly silent as the terrifying immunity with which the police could kill Black people was proven over and over, one video at at time. The outrage of a community used to suffering alone has been felt by others and together they are beginning to stand up, not in one city or one nation, but all over the world.

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